Welcome to Community!
God gives life! The Son of God, Jesus Christ, said: I have come that you may have life, and have it to the fullest! At Community you will find people who love God and love each other. We exalt Jesus Christ, preach the Gospel, and teach the Bible. We want you and your family to experience the riches of God’s love with us.
“If anyone is in Jesus Christ, they are a new creation!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
Believe in Jesus Christ. Become His Disciple. Belong to His Community.
I'm New
If you are new to Community
or new to faith, we are here to help.
We realize the challenge of walking in to church as a first-time guest.
What to Expect
You are welcome at Community.
We love God and we want to love people just like God does. Our worship service
is relaxed and inspiring.
Starting Point
Starting Point is a gathering for anyone new to Community. We enjoy breakfast and coffee over a brief introduction on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 AM.

Sundays at community
Worship Gathering
Sundays at 10:30AM
Community gathers for worship every Sunday. We sing, we pray, and teach from God's Word. We have childcare for Kids up to 5th grade or worship together as a family!
Small group Bible classes for all ages meet at 9:30AM.
Starting Point for newcomers meets on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30AM with coffee, juice, and a light breakfast. You and your family are welcome at our table. Get started with Community!
A Message From Our Lead Minister
Jesus Changes Lives!
Welcome to Community! Here you will discover a warm group of real people whose lives have been changed by Jesus Christ. Our hope is that you come to know Jesus and His great love for you. Come and worship with us, make some friends who can encourage you, and give God an opportunity to change your life, too!
The Bible is a big book filled with God’s revealed truth to us. The short version is that God created a wonderful world, but we have ruined it and ourselves through our sin…but God is willing to rescue and redeem us from our sin and its consequences by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, who lived and was crucified for our sin. Three days after His burial, He rose from the grave victorious over death. When we place our faith in Jesus, His victory becomes our victory! You can live in His victory, too. I’d love to meet you at Community this Sunday!
– PJ Condit, Lead Minister –